What's Stopping You?

What's Stopping You?

Hi La Clé friends! It's a new month which means a fresh start, especially if those New Year's resolutions kind of got put on hold (oops). But that's okay! Because you are not alone. This first blog post for February tackles how sometimes we are our own biggest enemy and reason for not accomplishing our goals. 

What’s stopping you?

This is a simple question. Something we often ask ourselves. Maybe in regards to why we don’t ask for a raise at work. Start training for that half-marathon. Or befriend that new neighbor who looks like they could use a friend.

What’s stopping you?

We live in a world that moves very fast, you can send a text to someone and instantly get a reply from them even if they live on the other side of the planet. Things are constantly evolving and changing and we often have to play catch up to keep up with those around us. Now, I’m not saying we should strive to be just like our peers. No, individuality is key. But we should always strive to be the best versions of ourselves. But we cannot define that as an end all be all. It has to be specific to you and only you.

“It’s hard, sometimes, when nothing’s stopping you, to know what’s stopping you.”

-Robert Breault

The answer is simple: the only thing stopping you is you. You must overcome those mental barriers and get to the other side where the possibilities are endless. This might sound cheesy, trust me I know, but it is 100% true. If you can create and grow that mental strength and resilience you are unstoppable. So I ask again, what’s stopping you?  


The La Clé Team