@thegaybestie Sebastien Gaudin
“Adversity is your opportunity”
This quote is front and center on Sebastien’s “about me” page on his fierce, fabulous, and fashionable blog The Gay Bestie. He is a self proclaimed lover of personal style, admirer of all things love, mimosa connoisseur, and friend to some dope besties.
Which is why we were so excited to have him help us spread the word about 2017 Unlocked Project honoree Angel Colon and his Refocus Band + Original Key! Spreading love is something we’re all about and so is Sebastien. He is no stranger to adversity just like Pulse shooting survivor Angel, who is committed to love and committed to keep smiling.
For Sebastien, the Pulse tragedy hits close to home, so in the hours, days, weeks, months afterwards he couldn't help but question how something of this nature could happen in 2016. When it was legal for him to openly love and marry another man, even be a parent if he chose to. But just like Sebastien says in his post: We are all made and cut from the same cloth of humanity. It all resorts down to choice and respect for one another.
In Sebastien's blog post about the Unlocked project, he recounts times when he has been jobless, carless, or had no money and could have just thrown in the towel, but didn't. He faced this adversity head on. We thank Sebastien for helping share Angel's message of courage in the face of adversity, love, light, and hope. Oh, and to always keep smiling :)
The La Clé Team