The Best Bracelet Stack for the Summer

The best motivational bracelet to have stacked on your wrist.

So, every morning we wake up and pick out which Refocus Band is going to get us through our day.  While one Refocus Band packs a big punch, what do you think multiple Refocus Bands stacked on your wrist can do?!  LET’S ALL FIND OUT! We think the Refocus Band is the best bracelet to stack and we came up with our favorite combinations that we will be stacking all Summer long.

Stack One: The Believe Stack

This stack is all about believing in yourself and putting in the hard work to make all your goals become a reality. - RELEASE BAND “Progress Not Perfection”, REMEMBER BAND “Hustle + Heart Will Set You Apart”, REVAMP BAND “Believe You Can And You Will”

Stack Two: The Patience Stack

This stack is for you if you are working through some hard times and need some support to wait it out and rise above it all. - REALIZE BAND “It Doesn’t Matter What They Think”, REACTION BAND “Face Everything and Rise”, READJUST BAND “Have A Little Patience”

Stack Three: The Journey Stack

This stack is perfect for those who are off on new adventures and ready to make the best of every situation they encounter along the way. - REPAT BAND “Keep Trying”, REVERE BAND “Your Journey Not Theirs”, REDIRECT BAND “Make Good Things Happen”

Cheers to seeing your Summer stacks!