Happy New Year!! We made it through what seemed like a tough year. But what is much more important is how we react to it. As we transition into a new year and channel those positive vibes, there is SO MUCH to look forward to for us here at La Clé! We have exciting announcements, like for starters, this blog! We have introduced this blog we are dubbing the Look Good Do Good Feel Good Blog and it is an insider view to upcoming projects & collabs but also posts to help you live a more mindful and positive life :)
So cheers to a new year and new adventures! Here's your rundown of what to look forward to at La Clé:
Our Unlocked Project 2016 was so successful and raised money for 12 amazing charities and organizations, so we brought it back for 2017! This year we will have 4 honorees who will design a Refocus Band and key and share their personal story of perseverance. Our first honoree is Pulse Orlando survivor Angel Colon who was tragically injured in the horrific Pulse shooting. Angel has persevered through an unthinkable tragedy and is now using his platform as an advocate for hope and love. Angel's band which features the mantra "keep smiling" and his original key necklace are available now on our site! A portion of Angel's band and key sales will benefit the incredible organization The Hope and Help Center of Central Florida which provides compassionate support for those living with HIV/AIDS in and around Central Florida. Using his platform as an LGBT advocate Angel has shown the world that even through the darkest trials you can overcome and keep smiling.
Stay tuned for our announcement of the other 3 honorees for the 2017 Unlocked Project!
Feel Good Playlist
La Clé is officially on Spotify! Make sure to follow us @shoplaclé for our Feel Good Playlist and for monthly playlists to keep 2017 rockin' all year long.
Website Update
If you haven't perused our site anytime recently, then you haven't had the opportunity to see our site facelift! We spent the last few months making some design changes and improvements! So go take a look and let us know what you think :)
We are so pumped for 2017 and planning on making it our best year yet. And we are so thankful for the support and love from our customers and fans! Keep spreading that positivity and love.
The La Clé Team