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          See The Good.

          Standard Size Only RE-EVALUATE the way you see the world.   DESIGN: Green and off white pattern MESSAGE: SEE THE GOOD.  Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to reach...

          Face Everything And Rise.

          Your REACTION is everything.  DESIGN: CAMO PATTERN MESSAGE: FACE EVERYTHING AND RISE Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to reach desired fit Machine washable

          Have A Little Patience.

          Have a little patience and READJUST your pace.  DESIGN: Blue, Teal, Beige & Pink abstract pattern MESSAGE: HAVE A LITTLE PATIENCE Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to...

          It's Not Easy, But It's Worth It.

          REAFFIRM your thinking.  DESIGN: WHITE AND BLACK WITH SEAMLESS (RAD) PATTERN MESSAGE: IT'S NOT EASY, BUT IT'S WORTH IT.  Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to reach desired...

          Nobody Said It Would Be Easy.

          Standard Size Only The REALITY is that if it were easy everyone would do it.  DESIGN: Light Blue, Navy Blue, Black water pattern MESSAGE: NOBODY SAID IT WOULD BE EASY.  Product Details:...

          It Doesn't Matter What They Think.

          REALIZE how important it is to focus on what you want because it doesn't matter what others think.  DESIGN: BLACK AND WHITE WEAVE PATTERN MESSAGE: IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT THEY THINK.  Product Details: Elastic blend...

          Find Your Own Way.

          Standard Size Only REASSESS the way you do things and find your own way. DESIGN: Green & Teal tree skyline MESSAGE: FIND YOUR OWN WAY Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band...

          $ 10.00 $ 2.00 Add to cartAdd to cart

          I Am The Storm.

          REASSURE yourself that you have the strength to conquer anything.  DESIGN: BLACK WITH MULTI COLOR TROPICAL PATTERN MESSAGE: I AM THE STORM This Band is made with LOVE in support of The Young...

          Do Something For Someone Else.

          REBALANCE your energy and do something for someone else.   DESIGN: COLORFUL AZTEC PATTERN MESSAGE: DO SOMETHING FOR SOMEONE ELSE.  Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to reach...

          Prove Them Wrong.

          Standard Size Only REBEL against those who doubt you and prove them wrong.  DESIGN: Geometrical Dark Purple and Pink  MESSAGE: PROVE THEM WRONG Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched...

          Disconnect To Reconnect.

          REBOOT your routine and disconnect to reconnect.  DESIGN: WHITE BAND WITH BLACK LIGHTNING BOLTS.  MESSAGE: DISCONNECT TO RECONNECT.  Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to reach desired fit Machine washable...

          Absolutely Everything Is Progress.

          You can REBOUND from anything because absolutely everything is progress.  DESIGN: WHITE AND BLACK CONSTELLATION PATTERN.  MESSAGE: ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING IS PROGRESS.  Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to reach...

          Actually, You Can.

          RECHARGE your energy and remember, actually, you can.  DESIGN: PURPLE. ORANGE AND PINK TONE LEAF PATTERN.  MESSAGE: ACTUALLY, YOU CAN. Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to...

          Focus On What You Can Control

          RECONDITION yourself to focus on what you can control DESIGN: Black and off white abstract band MESSAGE: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN CONTROL Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to reach desired...

          Find The Silver Lining.

          Standard Size Only RECOVER from anything by changing your perspective and find the silver lining. DESIGN: WHTIE BAND WITH GREY TRIANGLE PATTERN  MESSAGE: FIND THE SILVER LINING Product Details: Elastic blend material...

          Make Good Things Happen.

          REDIRECT you energy and make good things happen.  DESIGN: Aztec black and sand colored tribal pattern MESSAGE: MAKE GOOD THINGS HAPPEN.  Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to reach...

          You Are Capable Of Amazing Things.

          REDISCOVER how amazing you actually are.  DESIGN: RED, WHITE, BLUE STAR PATTERN MESSAGE: YOU ARE CAPABLE OF AMAZING THINGS.  Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to reach desired fit...

          Don't Take It For Granted.

          Standard Size Only Be obsessively grateful. REFLECT and don't take it for granted.  DESIGN: Blue/Teal Water Pattern MESSAGE: DON'T TAKE IT FOR GRANTED Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to...

          $ 10.00 $ 2.00 Add to cartAdd to cart

          Speak Kindly To Yourself.

          Take a step back, clear your mind and REFRESH the way you see yourself.  DESIGN: Triangle Confetti MESSAGE: SPEAK KINDLY TO YOURSELF. Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to reach...

          You Got This.

          REFUSE to give up.  DESIGN: Blue/Deep purple with streak pattern in orange, light blue and pink.  MESSAGE: YOU GOT THIS. Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to reach desired...

          Close Your Eyes And Take A Deep Breath.

          The time to RELAX is when you don't have time for it.  DESIGN: Navy Blue/Gold Marble Pattern MESSAGE: CLOSE YOUR EYES AND TAKE A DEEP BREATH.  Product Details: Elastic blend material...

          Progress Not Perfection.

          RELEASE yourself from perfection and focus on the progress.  DESIGN: PURPLE AND ORANGE GEOMETRIC PATTERN MESSAGE: PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to reach desired fit...

          If You Want It, Go Get It.

          Be RELENTLESS and go after what you want with everything you have.  DESIGN: BLACK WITH WHITE STRIPES MESSAGE: IF YOU WANT IT, GO GET IT.  Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band...

          You Matter.

          You Matter because you are RELEVANT  DESIGN: Blue, teal astrological pattern MESSAGE: YOU MATTER. Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to reach desired fit Machine washable

          You're Effin' Brilliant.

          Standard Size Only You are REMARKABLE. In fact, you're effin' brilliant.  DESIGN: WHITE, BLACK AND YELLOW CHEVON PATTERN  MESSAGE: YOU'RE EFFIN' BRILLIANT Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be...

          Hustle + Heart Will Set You Apart.

          REMEMBER Mackenzie Forrest. #33FOREVER DESIGN: TEAL & ORANGE GEOMETRICAL PATTERN MESSAGE: HUSTLE + HEART WILL SET YOU APART.  On March 13th, 2016 Mackenzie Forrest tragically lost her life in a car accident....

          Choose Kindness Over Cool.

          REMIND yourself to always choose kindness over cool.  DESIGN: WHITE WITH BLACK AND RED HEARTS MESSAGE: CHOOSE KINDNESS OVER COOL.  Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to reach...

          Whatever It Takes.

          RESILIENT. Whatever it takes. Don't ever give up.   DESIGN: Carbon Black Pattern with Black inside.  MESSAGE: WHATEVER IT TAKES Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to reach desired...

          Make The Time.

          Standard Size Only Don't make excuses just RESET and make the time.   DESIGN: Blue Marbled Pattern MESSAGE: MAKE THE TIME Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to reach...

          $ 10.00 $ 2.00 Add to cartAdd to cart

          United We Are Stronger.

          DESIGN: 2 BANDS: TEAL & PURPLE WATERCOLOR PATTERN ✌️ Two bands. Wear one and give one away. Share Your Focus and spread the positivity. MESSAGE: UNITED WE ARE STRONGER In collaboration with National...

          If It's Not A Hell Yes, It's A Hell No.

          Standard Size Only RETHINK what you really want to do. Give yourself permission to say no to anything that makes you unhappy or drains your energy.  DESIGN: BLACK & WHITE X'S  MESSAGE: IF...

          Believe You Can And You Will.

          Standard Size Only REVAMP your thinking and BELIEVE YOU CAN.  DESIGN: TIE DYE PATTERN MESSAGE: BELIEVE YOU CAN AND YOU WILL.  In collaboration with Soccer Girl Problems we have created a limited edition...

          Be The Game Changer.

          Standard Size Only REVISION is needed to be the game changer.  DESIGN: BLACK AND WHITE CRACKED PATTERN MESSAGE: BE THE GAME CHANGER Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to reach...


          When in doubt CHILL out.  DESIGN: Black and white wavy pattern MESSAGE: CHILL. Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to reach desired fit Machine washable

          Start By Doing Just One Thing.

          Standard Size Only REWARD yourself for the little victories.  DESIGN: GREY MAZE MESSAGE: START BY DOING JUST ONE THING.  Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to reach desired...

          Change Is Only A Choice Away.

          REWIRE your thinking and you can change your life.  DESIGN: Teal Rock Geometric Pattern MESSAGE: CHANGE IS ONLY A CHOICE AWAY Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched...

          We Can Do Hard Things.

          At Together Rising, we believe that the surest way to lift a family or community is to lift a woman -- that when a woman rises, she raises her people up with her. ...

          Trust Karma

          Standard and Mini Size  RENEW your trust in Karma DESIGN: Blue/Teal Water abstract pattern MESSAGE: TRUST KARMA Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to reach the desired fit Machine washable...

          Trust Your Gut.

          Standard Size Only REQUIRE a trust unlike any other.  DESIGN: Green, beige, baby blue, red geometrical pattern MESSAGE: TRUST YOUR GUT Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to reach desired...

          Ask For What You Want

          Standard Size Only RECLAIM what you want and don't be afraid to ask for it.  DESIGN: TEAL AND PINK ABSTRACT   MESSAGE: ASK FOR WHAT YOU WANT Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band...

          $ 10.00 $ 2.00 Add to cartAdd to cart

          Play Your Heart Out.

          RESURGE from defeat and Play your heart out DESIGN: Black and White Pattern MESSAGE: PLAY YOUR HEART OUT Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to reach desired fit Machine...

          Purple + Gold.

          Are you your teams #1 Fan? Now you can show them what you're made of with your new favorite game day accessory.  Wear it, Flip it, Refocus and cheer as loud...

          Have A Little Courage.

            Face your fears and RESTORE your courage. DESIGN: Multi Color Design MESSAGE: HAVE A LITTLE COURAGE.    Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to reach desired fit Machine...

          Navy Blue + Orange.

          Are you your teams #1 Fan? Now you can show them what you're made of with your new favorite game day accessory.  Wear it, Flip it, Refocus and cheer as loud...

          Navy Blue + Gold.

          Are you your teams #1 Fan? Now you can show them what you're made of with your new favorite game day accessory.  Wear it, Flip it, Refocus and cheer as loud...

          Lead By Example.

          Standard Size Only RESEMBLE those you admire and Lead by Example.  DESIGN: ABSTRACT 3D BLUE, ORANGE + PINK MESSAGE: LEAD BY EXAMPLE Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to...

          Navy Blue + Maroon.

          Are you your teams #1 Fan? Now you can show them what you're made of with your new favorite game day accessory.  Wear it, Flip it, Refocus and cheer as loud...

          Your Journey Not Theirs.

          REVERE your journey.  Not everyone will take the same path as you in life but remember to embrace it because it's Your Journey Not Theirs. DESIGN: BLACK AND YELLOW TOPOGRAPHY MAP MESSAGE:...

          Orange + White.

          Are you your teams #1 Fan? Now you can show them what you're made of with your new favorite game day accessory.  Wear it, Flip it, Refocus and cheer as loud...

          One Day At A Time.

          Standard Size Only Life is 1% what happens to you and 99% how you RESPOND to it.   Whatever you do, take it One Day At A Time.  DESIGN: Grey, Teal, White +...

          Royal Blue + White.

          Are you your teams #1 Fan? Now you can show them what you're made of with your new favorite game day accessory.  Wear it, Flip it, Refocus and cheer as loud...

          Don't Believe Everything You Think.

          Standard Size Only We are what we think. Sometimes you have to REVIEW your thoughts and don't believe everything you think.  DESIGN: yellow/gold/black dash pattern  MESSAGE: DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU THINK Product...

          $ 10.00 $ 2.00 Add to cartAdd to cart

          Hunter Green + White.

          Are you your teams #1 Fan? Now you can show them what you're made of with your new favorite game day accessory.  Wear it, Flip it, Refocus and cheer as loud...

          Think Happy Thoughts.

          Introducing The Happy Band Collection!  This special limited design is sure to make you smile. Choose from 4 different colors, each with their own uniquely happy message!  DESIGN: Blue Happy Faces MESSAGE: Think...

          Red + White.

          Are you your teams #1 Fan? Now you can show them what you're made of with your new favorite game day accessory.  Wear it, Flip it, Refocus and cheer as loud...

          Happiness Is Contagious.

          Introducing The Happy Band Collection!  This special limited design is sure to make you smile. Choose from 4 different colors, each with their own uniquely happy message!  DESIGN: Pink Happy Faces MESSAGE: Happiness...

          Maroon + White.

          Are you your teams #1 Fan? Now you can show them what you're made of with your new favorite game day accessory.  Wear it, Flip it, Refocus and cheer as loud...

          Don't Worry Be Happy.

          Introducing The Happy Band Collection!  This special limited design is sure to make you smile. Choose from 4 different colors, each with their own uniquely happy message!  DESIGN: Yellow Happy Faces MESSAGE: Don't worry...

          Maroon + Gold.

          Are you your teams #1 Fan? Now you can show them what you're made of with your new favorite game day accessory.  Wear it, Flip it, Refocus and cheer as loud...

          Be The Reason Someone Smiles.

          Introducing The Happy Band Collection!  This special limited design is sure to make you smile. Choose from 4 different colors, each with their own uniquely happy message!  DESIGN: Green Happy Faces MESSAGE: Be...

          Refocus Blank "Bamboo"

          REFOCUS BLANKS come without a message. Each Blank includes a mini permanent marker that you can use to write your own message on your band DESIGNS: Green + Yellow Bamboo MESSAGE: CHOOSE...

          Refocus Blanks "Brick Wall"

          REFOCUS BLANKS come without a message. Each Blank includes a mini permanent marker that you can use to write your own message on your band DESIGNS: Grey + Coral Wall MESSAGE: CHOOSE...

          You Are One of a Kind.

          REDEFINE how you think of yourself because you are truly one of a kind. DESIGN: PASTEL RAINBOW ABSTRACT   MESSAGE: YOU ARE ONE OF A KIND Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be...

          Choose How You React.

          What's your natural RELFEX? It's not what happens to you, it's your reaction to what happens to you that matters most. DESIGN: Teal and Blue chevron motion print  MESSAGE: CHOOSE HOW YOU REACT.   Product...

          Do The Work.

          When you have a goal you must be RESOLUTE and do the work. DESIGN: Black, Light Pink, Gold + White Abstract Pattern MESSAGE: DO THE WORK Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band...

          You Are Good Enough.

          REINFORCE the truth that you are good enough.  DESIGN: Tropical Pattern MESSAGE: YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to reach desired fit Machine washable

          Everything Will Be Ok.

          Standard Size Only As we REPAIR it is the faith that it will all be ok that makes the biggest impact. DESIGN: TEAL, YELLOW, GREY AND BLUE MARBLE ABSTRACT  MESSAGE: EVERYTHING WILL BE...

          "Take The Next Best Step"

            50% of the proceeds benefit The Mindful Project Learn more at:

          $ 10.00 $ 2.00 Add to cartAdd to cart

          Play Like A Girl

          Story by Kate T. Parker I have played soccer my entire life, as a young girl just learning the game, to division one college competition and still now, at almost 44, I...

          $ 10.00 $ 2.00 Add to cartAdd to cart

          Strong Is The New Pretty

          Story by Kate T. Parker I have played soccer my entire life, as a young girl just learning the game, to division one college competition and still now, at almost 44, I...

          $ 10.00 $ 2.00 Add to cartAdd to cart
          Ride The Wave

          Ride The Wave

          Tie-Dye is Here! Our all new super colorful Refocus Band collection will bring life to your wrists! 6 New Designs with 6 Amazing new positive messages! Collect them all!  Standard Size...

          Be Intentional

          Tie-Dye is Here! Our all new super colorful Refocus Band collection will bring life to your wrists! 6 New Designs with 6 Amazing new positive messages! Collect them all!  Standard Size...

          Be Obsessively Grateful

          Be Obsessively Grateful

          Tie-Dye is Here! Our all new super colorful Refocus Band collection will bring life to your wrists! 6 New Designs with 6 Amazing new positive messages! Collect them all!  Standard Size...

          Better Days Are Coming

          Better Days Are Coming

          Tie-Dye is Here! Our all new super colorful Refocus Band collection will bring life to your wrists! 6 New Designs with 6 Amazing new positive messages! Collect them all!  Standard Size...

          Don't Be So Hard On Yourself

          Don't Be So Hard On Yourself

          Tie-Dye is Here! Our all new super colorful Refocus Band collection will bring life to your wrists! 6 New Designs with 6 Amazing new positive messages! Collect them all!  Standard Size...

          Protect Your Energy

          Protect Your Energy

          Tie-Dye is Here! Our all new super colorful Refocus Band collection will bring life to your wrists! 6 New Designs with 6 Amazing new positive messages! Collect them all!  Standard Size...

          Hilary Knight- "Disarm Hate"

          We are so excited to announce Hilary Knight as our next Unlocked Project honoree! Hilary is a Professional Hockey Player who is an advocate of gun safety. Follow Hilary Journey here: ...

          $ 10.00 $ 2.00 Add to cartAdd to cart

          Choose To Shine ✨

          The Emoji Collection is here! Add a little sparkle  ✨ to your wrist! Fun and colorful new Refocus Bands are the perfect new addition to your look this summer! Meaning of...

          You Are Unstoppable 💪

          The Emoji Collection is here! Add some flex 💪 to your wrist! Fun and colorful new Refocus Bands are the perfect new addition to your look this summer! WHAT DOES 💪...

          Eyes On The Prize 👀

          The Emoji Collection is here! You'll get looks 👀 all day about what's on your wrist! Fun and colorful new Refocus Bands are the perfect new addition to your look this summer! WHAT...

          Timing Is Everything ⏰

          The Emoji Collection is here! Don't miss ⏰ the chance to add this wrist! Fun and colorful new Refocus Bands are the perfect new addition to your look this summer! ⏰ Alarm Clock Emoji Meaning...

          Love What You See 😘

          The Emoji Collection is here! You'll love this one so much you'll kiss us 😘 when you add this to your wrist! Fun and colorful new Refocus Bands are the perfect new...

          No Risk ⚡ No Magic

          The Emoji Collection is here! Add a little electricity⚡to your wrist! Fun and colorful new Refocus Bands are the perfect new addition to your look this summer! ⚡ High Voltage Emoji Meaning...

          Refocus Blanks "Scribble"

          Refocus Blanks "Scribble"

          REFOCUS BLANKS come without a message. Each Blank includes a mini permanent marker that you can use to write your own message on your band DESIGNS: Black with Scribble lines + Baby...

          Refocus Blanks "Moon Rock"

          REFOCUS BLANKS come without a message. Each Blank includes a mini permanent marker that you can use to write your own message on your band DESIGNS: Neutral Beige/Grey + Moon Rock Design...

          Refocus Blanks "Terrazzo"

          REFOCUS BLANKS come without a message. Each Blank includes a mini permanent marker that you can use to write your own message on your band DESIGNS: Earth Tone Terrazzo Pattern with Grey...

          Don't Take It Personally

          Put yourself in others' shoes and REGARD their position. It's not about you.  DESIGN: Pink and Neon Teal MESSAGE: DON'T TAKE IT PERSONALLY Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched...

          $ 10.00 $ 2.00 Add to cartAdd to cart

          It's up to you

          REVISE your plan because at the end of the day It's up to you.  DESIGN: Tiger Camo (Black and Brown) MESSAGE: IT'S UP TO YOU Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be...

          $ 10.00 $ 2.00 Add to cartAdd to cart

          1% Better Everyday

          REACH for the stars begins with the commitment to get 1% better everyday.  DESIGN: CREAM, GRAY, LIGHT AND DARK PINK MARBLE PATTERN MESSAGE: 1% BETTER EVERYDAY Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band...

          $ 10.00 $ 2.00 Add to cartAdd to cart

          Keep Going

            REIGNITE your passion for learning and keep going despite any obstacles you may encounter along the way. DESIGN: Blue and purple abstract MESSAGE: KEEP GOING   Product Details: Elastic blend...

          Don't Give Up

          RECOMMIT to yourself and Don't Give up on your dreams.  DESIGN: Black, White, Silver/Gray Abstract Geometric  MESSAGE: Don't Give Up Product Details: Elastic blend material Reversible band Can be stretched to...

          $ 10.00 $ 2.00 Add to cartAdd to cart